Supercharging Apache Superset – Chart Caching

Great tips for supercharging superset that we are following – caching charts in dashboards for improved performance. Eureka of sorts! – using the cache timeout setting in chart setting.

Setting all our charts to 604800 seconds = 1 week where appropriate has increased load time of dashboards as some trended data can be viewed as a week data cached, since we are more monitoring performance over 60 days for some of our metrics. Where the user requires the days data they can refresh the individual chart they require.

Further breaking down dashboards into real bite sized chunks and index from a metric map has helped to organise data and increase load times. Organising our metric map around identified user needs has also further helped organise the data in a logical format.

To read about how Airbnb supercharged Apache superset for BI at scale go to this article at to read how they did it :

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